Buck Bone Organics Deer Antler Dog Chews Premium Grade A, 6 Pack

$28.99 USD $30.00

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Buck Bone Organics offers natures perfect eco-friendly premium dog chew.  An all natural, organic, gluten free, and orderless chew for your favorite canine.  Offered in several sizes to allow you to find the perfect one for your dog. 


  • Solid Deer Antler Chew is a great choice for dogs that are for more aggressive chewers, with stronger jaws
  • If your canine is new to Antler chews, you may want to start with a split antler or cookies.
  • Satisifies your dogs need to chew while naturally cleaning their teeth
  • Excellent source of calcium, phosphorous, and protein
  • Great for small to medium sized dogs
  • Made in the USA
  • Eco-friendly
  • All Natural
  • Grain Free
  • Premium Deer Antler
  • No Odor and No Mess

Compared to Elk Antlers- Deer Antlers have less marrow and more shell.  This makes them tougher and better for those dogs that are more aggressive chewers.